Sunday 22 April 2012

Grade 3's prepare for EQAO

We are very busy these days polishing our reading responses, writing and Math problems in preparation for next month's EQAO assessments. It is important to know that we don't teach to the test, the test is written to show best practices in teaching and learning. If you would like to look at previous years tests go to, go to parent resources, then assessments for reading etc... and scroll down until you see the tests from 2010-2011 and so on. You can even see what the evaluators are looking for by checking the scoring guide. Time will be spent making sure the students are not worried yet try their best by working as hard as they can.

We were very lucky in March to have a student from Rocks and Rings share their love of curling with the classes at St. Patrick. Below are some photos.


In Math we are working on measuring. We have completed linear measurement, perimeter, area and comparing measurements. Students had problems where they had to compare for example 5 m, 480 cm, and 60 cm to put them in order.  We will begin to measure mass and capacity next week. Students will have a look at home to find things that are measured in litres and millilitres or grams and kilograms. It is really important that they can associate these measurements with real life tasks and objects.


 In Math we are also learning about multiplication. Practicing times tables for a few minutes each day will help your child master patterns. Start with the 2X tables and then 5X. A website for quizzes and flash cards is 

Hope you enjoyed the Easter cards the students made. They definitely enjoyed making them. We used marshmallows for the yellow parts. Creativity and humour were in the air as everyone took great care in making the perfect chicks!

 In Science we are just beginning our unit on Plants. Again it is really important that children have a chance to explore their themes in real life activities as much as possible. We will first concentrate on the parts of the flower and the parts of the plant. Each part will be examined as we talk about how they contribute to the survival of the plant.

We will plant bean seeds this week. They sprout quickly and will give us a chance to see how the seed cracks open, sends out roots and then tiny leaves.

As you eat fruits and vegetables take time to talk about what part of the plant they come from. Children can also learn the names of the trees, shrubs and flowering plants in your yard or on a nature walk. The tulips that we planted in the fall are in bloom with more to come hopefully!

In language we are writing persuasive letters which will be on the blog next week. We listened to an amazing broadcast posted on the CBC radio 1 website. We used it to describe what the creators of the native legend used to make it interesting: native drums, native singing, sound effects, animal sounds, expressive storytelling and parts told in the authentic Cayuga dialect. We also used the story to explore the parts of a narrative: characters, setting, problem and solution. Students then came up with ideas as to why the story was told: examples were given such as to explain the Big Dipper, to show courage, to explain the cycle of life, to explain patience. Pretty good ideas for Grade 3's who are learning to go deeper into the text. There are several legends from a variety of First Nations. It is called The Legends Project and is beautifully done. Logan went home and told his brother the story of The Hunting of Ugly Bear and Bobby then re-told a legend he remembered to Logan. We hope to dramatize our own legend using sound and art and drama.

If you have a chance would you please let me know if you read the blog regularly and if there is any other information you would like to see. As your child has probably told you we do not take pictures of their faces even though that would be lots of fun for both you and your child. Safety in today's connected world is the reason of course.