Tuesday 30 October 2012

Finally! This year's blog begins...

First Blog for Grade 3 2012-2013

Am happy to be finally to be re-aquainting myself with the blog started last year. Apologies for taking so long! Ms. Howie

My intention for this blog is to let you know what we are doing in class, to share information on how your child is learning, to give some helpful ideas for work at home for those who want to support your child's learning and the fun of sharing what your child's day looks like. If you have any requests or ideas for this blog, please feel free to make suggestions and I will do my best to include your ideas. 

 Grade 3's have been very busy this term in Math. We have worked on place value, addition and patterns (number patterns and geometric patterns). If you would like to do some extra practice with your child knowing their addition facts quickly without counting on fingers will be a big help. We have practiced doubles (example 6+6), near doubles (6+6 can help me with 6+7) and will now work on number pairs that make 10 (9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4, 5+5). Ask these questions like this: 6+ __=10

Here is a group of students learning 2 digit addition and explaining how it works. You can ask a question with or without re-grouping and have your child explain how they can get the answer.

Sample problem:   47 + 35  We are looking for each child to explain that they can add up the ones,
 7+5 = 12.  Now they can explain how they will trade tens ones for a 10 rod.  Next add up the tens digits (4 tens + 3 tens is the same as 40+30=70. BUT now they need to add that extra ten rod to make 80 and put back the ones to explain the answer 82.

Why go to all this trouble instead of just using the standard way 47  ????  
                                                                                             + 35
Research has shown that students who can understand and explain their thinking will do better in Math.We used base 10 blocks to help children see the trading in a hands on way. 

Our word work this week is going to continue to be with the "ai" vowel pattern as many students are still finding it difficult.  Examples are : main, grain, pain, stain, chain, rain, train, drain, plain, claim, aim,wait, bait, paint, faint, saint. Some more difficult words for students who are ready for a challenge are : strait, straight, contain, waiter, waitress, Spain and Ukraine. The students came up with these words. We explore the meanings of them as well as syllables, consonant blends and adding suffixes. Anchor charts such as these, along with the alphabet help students generate their own words.

In Science we are just beginning a unit on forces. Forces can be a push or a pull. Forces can change the speed, direction, or shape of an object. A force can start or stop an object from moving. Some forces are buoyancy, gravity, magnetism, muscular, static electricity.
 Fun web sites to visit are http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/lab/forces.html and http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/6_7/forces_movement.shtm

                                       Pull                   Push

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